Viva Sounds 2021
Forget about last year and look forward. The plans for Viva Sounds 2021 are being forged as we speak, and we won't be satisfied with anything less than "amazing".
The venues are in place, guests are being booked and we look forward to seeing all of you during two hectic days in December. Viva Sounds 2021 will happen, it will stand out and we will have a great time again. On December 3rd and 4th you'll be able to catch the best of the Gothenburg indie scene, as well as artists from far, far away. Save the dates.
Just as previous years we got a fine line of venues, ready to take on the best of the best. These includes Pustervik, Holy Moly, The Abyss, Fyrens Ölkafé, Oceanen, Kafé Hängmattan and Musikens Hus. There will be a free entrance on all venues except for Pustervik, Kafé Hängmattan and Musiken Hus. The guests for the conference on Saturday, December 4th, are handpicked and will share their insights on the global, as well as local, music industry.
We're not looking to L-size anything, Yngwie Malmsteen was wrong when he said that "more is more". So we won't grow, and we will keep the number of live shows to around 30. But we will however, once again, level up when it comes to quality. What better way to endure the Swedish winter than visiting seven packed venues, two nights in a row, watching some great talent perform live on stage?
Do you want to apply to play Viva Sounds 2021? The applications open Friday May 21th, right here.
Viva Sounds 2019:
Official Site - Viva Sounds
FB - Viva Sounds
Photo: Nikos Plegas