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 It shouldn not happen, but it did. We just had Simon Alexander in Canada, Beverly Kills in London, The Boo Boo Bama Orchestra in India and Two Year Vacation in Mexico. On stage, stickin'em up from Westside worldwide, all during same week.

Working is pretty sweet sometimes and back around the last corner it was honey. Over a few days within the same week we had The Boo Boo Bama Orchestra on stage in India, Two Year Vacation in Mexico, Simon Alexander in Canada and Beverly Kills in London. It should not be possible, of course, but it was. Coincidental and really cool. Nine shows, four countries over 3.5 continents putting the total distance to our office at around 22 500 kilometers. 

It's nothing but humbling to think about the people we've gotten to know making this possible to happen; Ziro Festival, Showcase PEI, This Feeling and Revista Marvin + the embassy in MX, all shows we got through the most cool friends possible. Thank you's don't even reach up to the window we wish to could peek into.

This is history now. This will never happen again but it was really cool that it did. Next up is Åskväder touring Denmark and Germany and Mud Grief spreading noise in the Netherlands, plus some ruckus to be made at Monkey Week in Seville.  Our own thing, Viva Sounds, is not even two months away. It's all gonna end in jail, can't see any other way out. 

These cats are wild; 
Ziro Festival - India
Revista Marvin - Mexico
This Feeling - UK
Showcase PEI - Canada