State of the union address
If you wonder what it's like to run things based on the idea of placing artists at international events, meeting people at those events and making your value by the opportunities you create for artists, and companies, by doing that - you can talk to us. This year is definitely a year like no other, and one that got us moving in new directions to keep that idea working.
2020 was supposed to be a special year, magic even, but in a way different way compared to the special year it has become. We started up in January with a packed schedule we worked months to create, and it was taken away from us during ten days in March. Knocked to the floor, but not beaten, we decided to try to figure out how to make the most that poor hand. Our spring filled up by session-shows, online talks, articles, interviews and yes, some shows as well. We've been supporting our local scene and constantly being in touch with the fragile web that all our ideas are built upon - the people we love working with in/out of Sweden. The international music scene has really proven to be built on the same love for music by everybody, all over the world, and same goes for partners at home.
Coming months you will find us doing a lot of stuff, some quite normal, some purely digital and most will be quite cool. The whole situation has gotten us to re-think and re-do the model and structure and it still feels good to be a gangsta. Find us here;
Viva Talks - we're planning more episodes talking to international music folks on topics that make sense.
Story of the Song - two published episodes so far, taking us behind the song and hearing it in a stripped down version.
Faces of Music - we've started a series to show faces of people we love, find inspiring and who's part in our world.
International - we're doing online-events with partners in Korea, Spain and Mexico, as we've done with China and Germany earlier.
Shows - we'll co-host a string of shows from now until xmas, also inviting a few foreign acts to Sweden.
Release support - we're supporting releases by partners within Westside, reaching out internationally. Seems about time.
Viva Sounds - yes, live and direct, first weekend of December and more info coming soon.
This is Westside Music Sweden - independent music, major sounds.
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash