Music Cities Network
We're happy to announce that Gothenburg becomes the 10th official member of the Music Cities Network. Spreading all over Europe to Sydney, Australia, it's a world wide network dedicated to improving communication, collaboration & policies.
As a partner to the Music Cities Network (MCN) we'll work close with Göteborg & Co to focus on artist-, business- and city development through joint projects, showcases networking activities and more. The Network was initiated in 2016 by Hamburg Music Business Association (IHM) & Sound Diplomacy, and has so far established a strong link between the members, including Aarhus, Bergen, Berlin, Hamburg, Gothenburg, Groningen, Manchester, Nantes, Reykjavik, Sydney and Hamburg.
Music is positive. In every way. It has the power to increase revenue, link cultures, push talent and brand development. As MCN puts it: "There is exceptional potential in this, creating unique opportunities to position music cities as thriving and international important centres of music and media production."
– Music Cities Network comes with great opportunities to reach new partners in new places. It's also important for all of us to share experiences and values. At home and away! says Fredrik Sandsten at Göteborg & Co.
Thank you MCN for having us. A fine present as Gothenburg elebrates 400 years as a city today!