by:Larm in Oslo has been going for years and this year marks the 27th edition, which is really impressive! Loads of shows, loads of people, loads of industry, panels, workshops, all that. However, it's our first year doing anything on their wavelength as Viva Sounds got invited to co-present one of the days of by:Larm Black, among some other pretty amazing festival.
by:Larm Black will make sure that the program is well infiltrated by genres from the darker side of the spectrum and will give you some of the most exciting bands from the metal scene right now, all to be experienced alongside like-minded fans and music industry delegates. Three days of by:Larm Black, and each of those days presented by two major festivals - including Summer Breeze Open Air, Midgarsblot and Beyond The Gates (who all have been to Viva Sounds btw) plus Mystic Festival and Buktafestivalen. And well, also by us. So at least all days are mostly presented my major festivals.
Friday 13th we'll be back in black hosting the pre-party at Kniven Bar between 5 and 7, share our five cents on the panel "To niche or not?" at Pokalen just after and just before shit goes ape at Vulkan Arena and Pokalen for the night time shows. Fun fact, Eradicated who played Viva Sounds last year will play Thursday in Oslo. Come say hi. Or hell.
Thursday Sept 12th
presented by: Summer Breeze Open Air (DE) and Midgardsblot (NO)
19.00 Metaltalks: My band is awesome, now what? (Pokalen)
20.00: The Cruel Intentions (Vulkan Arena)
20.30 Deponi (Pokalen)
21.00 Eradikated (Vulkan Arena)
22.00 ROSA FAENSKAP (Pokalen)
22.30 Aktiv Dödshjelp (NO) (Vulkan Arena)
Friday 13th
presented by: Viva Sounds (SE) and Beyond the Gates (NO)
19.00 Metaltalks: To niche or not? (Pokalen)
20.00 ROSA FAENSKAP (Vulkan Arena)
20.30 Phantom Fire (Pokalen)
21.00 Allt (Vulkan Arena)
22.00 SYL (Pokalen)
22.30 Sylvaine (Vulkan Arena)
Saturday 14th
presented by: Mystic festivsl (PL) and Buktafestivalen (NO)
19.00 Metaltalks: Fostering Future Fans (Pokalen)
20.00 Fights (Vulkan Arena)
20.30 HÉR (Pokalen)
21.00 SNAYX (Vulkan Arena)
22.00 Cult Member (Pokalen)
22.30 Blomst (Vulkan Arena)